ICMediaDirect com to Sponsor Inaugural Aussie Ad-Tech
Released on = January 29, 2007, 1:09 pm
Press Release Author = Robert Gresch
Industry = Management
Press Release Summary = ICMediaDirect.com, a leading name in online advertising, will be sponsoring the first ever ad:tech held in Australia. The Hilton Sydney will host the event being held on February 7th-8th, 2007.
Press Release Body = New York, NY, United States, January 16, 2007 - The interactive marketing world is abuzz over ad:tech's expansion at the "Down Under". Global players in the interactive space are highly motivated to play a prominent role at this auspicious event. Attendees, though hailing from all over, share the common interest in online advertising. And it's to this end of interest that ICMediaDirect.com is engaging advertising professionals in a sponsoring role at ad:tech Sydney.
Joining ICMediaDirect.com in sponsorship this historic conference are industry powerhouses such as Google, eMarketer, and Forbes. Like other ad:tech events, attendees will mingle with representatives from various sponsoring companies, exhibitors, and, of course, with other attendees. Additionally, there will be industry workshops, presentations and a line-up of accomplished speakers. Shawn Moore, CMO of myspace.com, will be delivering the keynote address to kick off the conference.
ICMediaDirect.com is sponsoring this unique networking event while enjoying a time of unprecedented success in its chosen business of online advertising. Launched in 2001 as a full-service online advertising agency, ICMediaDirect.com has grown into much more. A Search Division and full online PR services have since been implemented, and only this Fall was a state-of-the-art online Video Ad Network added to ICMediaDirect.com's already impressive slate of services. Both offline and online clients are taking full advantage of ICMediaDirect.com's offerings.
These are not only heady days for ICMediaDirect.com, but for the online marketing community at "Down Under" as well. Don Knox, vice-president of ad:tech expositions said, "The internet ad growth in the Australian market is huge and presents an incredible opportunity for ad:tech to deliver the best source of education, networking and technology solutions for interactive marketers."
ad:tech Sydney promises to be a remarkable event, the first of its kind for Australia. For information on registration or any other questions, contact is available on the ad:tech website here: http://www.ad-tech.com/register_sydney.asp It will be held Feb 7th-8th, 2007, in Sydney, Australia at the Hilton Sydney.
Contact ICMediaDirect.com: Diana Lee, VP of business Development Diana@ICMediaDirect.com TEL: 212-563-6455 FAX: 212-563-6456 http://www.icmediadirect.com
ICMediaDirect.com has two locations, in Washington DC and New York, NY and was formed in 2001, with web design and web development divisions added in 2003. 2005 brought the Public Relations Division and Search Division, while the Video Ad Network was introduced in 2006.
Web Site = http://www.ICMediaDirect.com
Contact Details = 350 Fifth Ave Suite 1313 New York NY 10118